Famous sights in Sweden:

Gripssholms slott

It is a castle that was built in 1537 by Gustav Ⅰ. Wasa. The castle has belonged to the Swedish Royal Family and was used as one of their residences until the 18th century but now it is a museum.

Ales Stenar

The Ales Stenar is a stone ship which is 67 m long and is formed by 59 large boulders. Some stones are 5 500 years old and others 1 400 years. The reason for the stones is still unclear so there are many theories. It is believed to be a monument to a cemetery or a cult center. (picutre: K.M. Fantasy World)


The Öresundsbron is the world´s longest cable-stayed bridge for train and road traffic. It connects Copenhagen with Mamlö. The bridge is 7845 meters long and costs 2.6 billion euro.